Thursday, September 21, 2017

9/21/17: Things I Loved Today

Since I'm on the topic of "things that I love," I suppose I'll take a moment to list some of the beloved activities I was privileged to engage in today.

In no particular order:

1. I made a wonderful lunch, packed it up, and then got some coffee at a good place and proceeded to eat my meal and read a book (with sunshine, even, and then, once I got too hot, I was able to jump into an air-conditioned cafeteria)
2. I worked out at a gym
3. I smiled, even when I didn't feel like it
4. I went shopping at the market, for food for tomorrow's beloved meals (assuming I'm alive tomorrow, which I do not; if I am, then I'll have food to eat, anyway)
5. I ran some errands, successfully
6. I did some work, also successfully
7. I made some money, and without robbing anybody
8. I drove my van, throughout, and I neither got in an accident nor caused one (and, of the close calls I had, none were my fault)

And, one thing that I wasn't quite able to love but would like to:

A few times when I felt sick and let it bring me down (though, there were some times when I didn't let it bring me down, as well as some times when I did but I was able to love my failing)

And, finally, what I'm grateful for: all of the above, and much more.

(What's this have to do with yoga? Absolutely nothing. Then again, when is expressing love and gratitude inappropriate ...?)

Monday, September 18, 2017

Question: What Do I Love?

Answer: camping out in my new-to-me conversion van.

Such a simple recipe, for all its miracle. Drive somewhere I've never been. Find a nice, quiet parking lot where overnighting is allowed (or, perhaps, a dirty, noisey one, if I'm in that kind of mood). Take the few minutes required to set up my quasi-camper, then enjoy the feast of a dinner I'd made earlier that day, in the company of a treasured book and a descending night, and whatever wildlife I happen to share my parcel with, animal or human or otherwise (architecture makes good company, if you didn't know). And then, to top off this strange and free and priceless little sundae, I'll brush my teeth under the night sky and then take to the humble-but-perfect bed in the bowels of the van, where, even if the noise or the insomnia keeps me awake, I'll still have a better night's sleep than within the luxurious confines of a stationery home.

When morning comes, bringing with it rain or shine, health or disease, perfect peace or screaming war -- the result is always the same: joy in my heart and a warmth in my soul, in that special, nameless way that only true satisfaction can instill.

The recipe: a success. Mission accomplished.

This is something I love.

This is love.

* * *

Though it's been some time since I've posted to this blog, that doesn't mean I haven't been doing some post-worthy traveling. Certainly, I've had something to say; I've just preferred to invest my time in more travel, I suppose.

In the meantime, some things have changed -- my beloved vehicle, for one. In fact, it changed twice: first to a Ford Explorer, in which I took a minimalist approach to parking-lot camping, on a twin mattress squeezed into the tomb-like little cargo area (I'm sure there are some folks who've gone even more minimal, in station wagons or sedans or, of course, tents and the like; but, after previously staying in a minivan, I must admit that the Explorer was comparatively cramped). And then, after the Explorer's transmission spontaneously self-destructed on a jaunt through the Tennessee mountains, I found myself upgrading to my Chevy high-top conny-van (which feels something like a mansion, after my time in the Explorer).

As it were, I can honestly say that, after running the gamut, my current van is my definite favorite. Not only is it relatively huge, with more than enough storage and amenities for my needs, but it comes with an inherent perk: it's big enough to do yoga in (or most asanas, anyhow).

Yeah, I love to van-camp, and I love the van I do it in, too.