Sunday, January 3, 2016

12/25-27/15: Have Some Gym Yoga, You Nice Yogi (or So Says Santa)

Three consecutive days of gym-yoga, as a Christmas gift of sorts (because I've learned to regard every yoga session as a gift, rather than erroneously taking it for granted ...).

Behold, the beauty of those 24-7 gyms that are all the rage nowadays: not only do you get nationwide locations and private showers and all kinds of other conveniences (and at reasonable rates, no less), but your futuristic keychain key gets you in on even the most widely recognized of holidays. So, once the family side of things was finished, I both yoga'd and worked out on Christmas Day (and the two days thereafter -- or, as retail outlets seem to treat them, The Days Immediately After Christmas). I felt something like a superhero.

The attached picture? A deliberately crappy snapshot of one of the gym locations in question, taken from inside the cab of a parked and sunbathed car, in a (failed) attempt at originality. If I'm a superhero, conspicuous mediocrity is one of my powers, I suppose.

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